
Hello, I am Kevin and I am the creator here at Kore Rings. I love gadgets and love seeing how things work. I have a particular interest in all things Space, I find it fascinating, so when it came to thinking of a name for my little business, I chose Kore. Kore is one of the satellite moons of Jupiter. I try and incorporate a little element of space into some of my rings, either with colour, glistening, beautifully coloured Bello Opal or actual fragments from space such as meteorite, sometimes all!

This whole process started when I was looking for a new ring for myself a few years ago, the prices for the ones I liked where ridiculous so I decided to learn a new skill.

Now I am able to offer my skill of handmade rings to everyone and for a reasonable cost.

If you have something different in mind, message me and we can discuss your requirements.

I hope you enjoy the site and my bespoke rings , click below to browse the range.



My Promise

I treat my customers with the honesty and respect they deserve. I want clients to feel the same pride when wearing the pieces from my store that I do in making them.